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A clearinghouse on aging and climate change

Why Aging and Climate Change?

The consequences of climate change are a growing problem directly affecting the well-being of individuals and the quality of life in communities. However, scant attention has been paid to the relationship between the environmental crisis and a second trend of critical importance in contemporary society: the enormous growth in the older population globally. The Clearinghouse is devoted to exploring intersection of climate change and older people. We invite you to join us in learning about and contributing to research, program development, and climate change action as it involves the older population.

A woman protesting and holding a resistance sign

Intersection of Aging and Climate Change

We believe this intersection provides enormous opportunity for research and program development for four key reasons.

Older people are disproportionately vulnerable to climate change.

Studies show that older individuals are especially threatened by global climate change. They are more vulnerable to the effects of temperature extremes and have a significantly higher mortality risk in extreme weather.


Older people play a significant role in contributing to climate change.

The baby boom generation has developed consumption patterns that can exacerbate climate change. Therefore, changing environmental attitudes and behaviors among older persons is very important.


Older people are an important source of solutions to environmental problems.

They are more likely to have time to dedicate volunteerism and the impact of their collective behaviors is profound. Getting involved provides them a way to improve the world for future generations.


Contributing to solutions to climate change is good for older people.

Research shows that any volunteering, and especially volunteering related to environmental problems, promotes health and well-being among older adults.


Latest Insights

Get updates on the latest research, learn from volunteers working in the field, and hear what organizations are doing to address climate change.

CIRCA in the News: Volunteering Promotes Longevity

Evidences shows that environmental volunteering provides an even greater benefit compared to other volunteer work.

Exposure to Extreme Heat May Accelerate Aging

A new study finds exposure to extreme heat accelerates biological aging.

SAGE Mobilizes Seniors to Give Back

More than 12 years ago, the SAGE environmental organization – a non-profit dedicated to encouraging older adults to advocate for future generations – began with a literal dream. Founder Ward Greene dreamt he was late to a meeting of older adults who were waiting for him to speak. The sign at the meeting read “Senior Adults for Generational Equity.”