Annotated Bibliographies
Our curated annotated bibliographies provide a comprehensive snapshot on specific topics related to the aging population and climate change. They provide a useful tool for researchers looking for one-stop-shopping for the latest information on a specific topic.
Impact of Wildfires on Older Adults
Articles on the impact of wildfires on older adults' health and well-being, as well as possible risk management and emergency preparedness strategies.
Intersection of Aging Population & Climate Change
Articles on the overlap between climate change and older adults, providing a general overview of the intersection of these major issues.
Older Adults’ Perceptions of Climate Change
Articles on the perceptions and attitudes of older adults concerning climate change, including generational differences.
Older Adults' Vulnerability to Climate Change
Articles on how older adults are especially vulnerable to adverse health effects from global warming.
Intergenerational Approaches to Climate Action
Articles on the benefits of an intergenerational framework to address climate change, including specific efforts to connect young and old in the climate movement.
Legacy & Generativity Framework for Climate Action
Articles on the concept of legacy thinking and generativity as a motivator for climate change activism.
Environmental Engagement of Older Adults
Articles on the contributions of older adults to environmental sustainability and stewardship, and the benefits of environmental volunteering for older adults.