For Older Adults
Dive into the world of volunteering by learning how to use your skills, identifying opportunities, and becoming inspired by experienced environmental activists. Here, you’ll find information on how and why to get involved in climate change action and environmental volunteering. You will also find compelling stories from older adults who are devoting this time of their lives to working on climate change. We hope you find these inspiring in your own journey toward action.
As an older adult, you have many ways to spend your time - addressing climate change is one of the most valuable.
Changemaker Quiz
Take our Changemaker Personality Quiz to see what role you can play in the ACCC community and beyond. Then share your results with your friends!
There are many opportunities to get involved at the local and national level. Here are ideas for how to get engaged.
Hear from older adults devoting their time to environmental activism and civic engagement.
Already involved? We would love to hear your story.