Organizational Profiles

This list provides descriptions of organizations working on climate change and aging, which can serve as examples for other organizations looking to engage older adults in the field. If your organization is involved in aging and climate change, please submit your information and we will add your profile here.

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#OlderAndGreener is a campaign of the Centre for Ageing Better, a charity in the United Kingdom (UK), highlighting the important contribution older people make to tacking climate change. Individuals in the UK can join the campaign and can share their story by using “#OlderAndGreener” in their Tweets.

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Citizen Climate Counsel (C3) is a group of retired seniors in Canada who collectively have over 300 person years of experience in environmental management. They provide high level strategic help to take advantage of opportunities to enhance the city of Ottawa’s ability to move forward on climate change issues thoughtfully and swiftly while engaging with the citizens in the process. C3 recently published a 2022 Climate Progress Account, assessing the City of Ottawa’s progress on implementing its climate priorities and agenda.

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Climate Legacy is a project to engage and mobilize older Canadians in climate action through their voice, their time, and their money. Their vision is that Canada moves steadily and effectively towards a zero net carbon economy in the next decade.

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Eco-Elders for Climate Action is a Node of the Calgary Climate Hub, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to educate and empower Calgarians to become active climate citizens. Eco-Elders for Climate Action is a group of elders in Calgary, Canada, including grandparents, great-aunts and -uncles, who care about the future of all children and a sustainable planet for all life.

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Elders Climate Action is a project of the Elders Action Network, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to encourage elders throughout the United States to take action on social and environmental challenges. ECA members work to inform, inspire, and engage others to take action on the climate crisis.

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Elders for Climate Justice is a group of elders in the United States who seek a just and sustainable world for future generations and are dedicated to creating conversations about climate change and urgently encouraging action. They are part of the ManKind Project, which is a global organization with a presence in more than 21 nations.

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Elders' Indigenous Climate Fellowship is an initiative of the Climate Science Alliance, an environmental conservation nonprofit organization whose mission is to safeguard natural and human communities in the face of a changing climate. The fellowship supports Tribal Elders to participate, advise, and support the Climate Science Alliance team and partners to elevate and incorporate the critical voice, perspective, and deep knowledge from Indigenous communities into its projects and programs.

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Environmental Alliance for Senior Involvement is a nonprofit coalition in the United States whose mission is to increase opportunities for older adults to play an active, visible role in protecting and improving the environment in their communities. Their Senior Environmental Corps program supports senior volunteers in 20 countries to carry out a wide range of environmental activities. EASI was originally founded in 1991 through a partnership between the American Association of Retired People (AARP) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

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For Our Grandchildren is a nonprofit Canadian Corporation created with the mission “To Inform, Motivate, and Mobilize” grandparents in Canada about climate change. In relentless pursuit of this mission, they advocate/enlist support from local governments and collaborate effectively with like-minded community organizations.

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For Our Kids is a nonprofit organization and network of Canadian parents and grandparents taking action to give kids a livable climate. Their vision is a green, equitable, and just world where our children and grandchildren grow up safe and healthy.

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Grand(m)others Act To Save The Planet is a grassroots, non-partisan group of grandmothers and grand 'others' in Canada who care deeply about the world descendants will inherit. GASP seeks to model themselves on indigenous grandmother sisters, the ‘wisdom carriers’, the elders, who look out for the best interests of the next 7 generations.

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Gray is Green is an environmental conservation nonprofit organization with a network of older adult Americans aspiring to create a green legacy for the future. They provide older adults with resources to become “greener” in their grayer years, such as A Practical Guide for Environmental Eldership.

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Great Old Broads for Wilderness is a women-led national grassroots organization that engages and inspires activism to preserve and protect wilderness and wild lands in the United States. Much of their work is related to reducing or eliminating activities on public lands that contribute to climate change through restoration and stewardship projects, as well as ongoing monitoring to measure the health of the ecosystems.

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Growing Greener is an organization in the United States that views people not solely as potential victims of climate change, but also as potential leaders of climate action. Formerly known as Graying Greener, it was originally developed to engage older adults to harness their time, experience, and talent in combating the climate crisis, but determined that this approach worked for people of any age. Growing Greener moves people and organizations from anxiety to action on climate change.

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Indigenous Climate Action is an Indigenous-led organization guided by a diverse, intergenerational group of Indigenous knowledge keepers, water protectors, and land defenders from communities and regions across Canada. They believe that Indigenous Peoples’ rights and knowledge systems are critical to developing solutions to the climate crisis and achieving climate justice, and they work to amplify the voices of Elders and other Indigenous knowledge holders.

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Indigenous Guardians is a project of the Indigenous Leadership Initiative (ILI) to help Indigenous Nations honor the responsibility to care for lands and waters with a network of Elders and other leaders as the “eyes and ears” on traditional territories in Canada. Guardians are trained experts who manage protected areas, restore animals and plants, test water quality, monitor development, help create land-use and marine-use plans, and connect youth with Elders to prepare young people to become the next generation of educators, ministers, and leaders.

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KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz is a group of 2000+ women aged 65 and older, taking the Swiss government to the European Court for Human Rights for stronger action on climate change. Supported by Greenpeace Switzerland, their lawsuit demands that the federal authorities correct the course of Swiss climate policy because the current climate targets and measures are not sufficient to limit global warming to a safe level.

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Montana Conservation Elders is a nonprofit organization in the United States with older adult members committed to protecting Montana's landscape through education and outreach efforts. Members have spent their lives defending Montana’s wild and quiet landscapes, clean free-flowing waters, abundant and diverse wildlife populations, and access to public lands and waters. MCE’s latest project is a Speaker’s Bureau to share their love of Montana’s wild places.

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Nebraska Elder Climate Legacy is a network of older climate activists working towards an environmentally sustainable and livable future in Nebraska, United States. This includes but is not limited to promoting the adoption of healthier soil management practices, such as those recommended in the 2020 Nebraska Healthy Soils Task Force report.

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Norwegian Grandparents Climate Campaign was formed by a group of concerned elders and has proved a significant voice in the public debate on the state of Norway’s climate policy at home and abroad. GCC members collaborate with a wide range of partners to jointly take action, voice opinions, and create public debate, all with the aim of encouraging voters to urge Norwegian politicians to implement the kind of science-based policies that the earth desperately needs.

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SAGE inspires people over fifty to give forward with their time, money, and voice so that younger and future generations can thrive. SAGE connects people to resources and opportunities to get involved, and train and support people to actively engage in social causes and nonprofit organizations. One of their core areas is the environment and people involved with SAGE volunteer for environmental organizations and support conservation campaigns.

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STAY COOL for Grandkids is a nonprofit organization in San Diego, California (United States) whose mission is to speak for those too young to have a voice regarding climate policies, including children and grandchildren. STAY COOL provides education and highlights advocacy opportunities, harnessing the power and influence of elders for action on climate change issues in the San Diego region.

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Save Our Roots is a campaign of the Indigenous Environmental Network, an international alliance of Indigenous Peoples whose shared mission is to protect the sacredness of Earth Mother from contamination and exploitation by respecting and adhering to Indigenous knowledge and natural law. Save Our Roots is a repository of information to help ground and connect Indigenous People to the roots of the ancient and forever relevant wisdom of Elders with current science.

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Senior Environmental Employment Program is a federal program that provides an opportunity for Americans ages 55 and older to assist the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on various federal, state, and local environmental projects. Applicants must apply to the national aging organizations that receive funds from the EPA for the SEE Program.

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Seniors for Climate Action Now! is a nonprofit organization in Canada that seeks to inform and mobilize seniors to fight climate catastrophes. They seek to support the leadship of young people calling on governments to act decisively on the climate emergency, amplify their voices and add their own to the growing movement for climate action (“Because now we are older, wiser, angrier. Because we know that action builds hope”).

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Suzuki Elders are a voluntary association of self-identified elders working with and through the David Suzuki Foundation, which is a science-based nonprofit environmental organization in Canada. Members bring their voices, experiences, and memories to mentor, motivate, and support other elders and younger generations in dialogue and action on environmental issues.

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The Elders is an independent group of global leaders with a Climate Change program focused on ensuring a just transition to a low carbon economy and encouraging innovative solutions to tackling climate change worldwide. They seek to create political space for ambitious action, help ensure a just transition to the low carbon economy, and encourage the scaling-up of support for particularly climate vulnerable communities.

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Third Act is a network of Americans over 60 who are determined to change the world for the better, including through a national effort to organize older Americans helping protect the climate and safeguard democracy. They organize online and in-person actions and encourage volunteer-run working groups by affinity or geographic location.

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Wisdom of the Elders is a nonprofit organization located in Oregon, United States, which records, preserves, and shares oral history, cultural arts, language concepts, and traditional ecological knowledge of exemplary Native American Elders, storytellers, and scientists. Their Wisdom Workforce Development internship program provides environmental education and job skills to people of all ages who want to work in the environmental sector, with a focus on environmental restoration and traditional ecological knowledge of Native peoples.