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The impact of place and legacy framing on climate action: A lifespan approach
Wickersham, R., Zaval, L., Pachana, N., & Smyer, M. A.

Wickersham, R., Zaval, L., Pachana, N., & Smyer, M. A. (2020). The impact of place and legacy framing on climate action: A lifespan approach. PLoS ONE, 15(2), e0228963.

Effects of climate and fine particulate matter on hospitalizations and deaths for heart failure in elderly: A population-based cohort study
Vanasse, A., Talbot, D., Chebana, F., Belanger, D., Blais, C., Gamache, P., Giroux, J. X., Dault, R., & Gosselin, P.

Vanasse, A., Talbot, D., Chebana, F., Belanger, D., Blais, C., Gamache, P., Giroux, J. X., Dault, R., & Gosselin, P. (2017). Effects of climate and fine particulate matter on hospitalizations and deaths for heart failure in elderly: A population-based cohort study. Environmental International, 106, 257–266.

Environmental engagement in later life: Reasonable Person Model as a framework for intervention
Wells, N. M., & Pillemer, K.

Wells, N. M., & Pillemer, K. (2015). Environmental engagement in later life: Reasonable Person Model as a framework for intervention. In R. Kaplan & A. Basu (Eds.), Fostering Reasonableness: Supportive Environments for Bringing Out Our Best (pp. 157–175). Michigan Publishing.

Climate change and health: Indoor heat exposure in vulnerable populations
White-Newsome, J. L., Sanchez, B. N., Jolliet, O., Zhang, Z., Parker, E. A., Dvonch, J. T., & O'Neil, M. S.

White-Newsome, J. L., Sanchez, B. N., Jolliet, O., Zhang, Z., Parker, E. A., Dvonch, J. T., & O'Neil, M. S. (2012). Climate change and health: Indoor heat and exposure in vulnerable populations. Environmental Research, 112, 20–27.

Stewardship volunteering by older Australians: The generative response
Warburton, J., & Gooch, M.

Warburton, J., & Gooch, M. (2007). Stewardship volunteering by older Australians: The generative response. International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, 12(1), 43–55.

Facilitating intergenerational dialogue: Ageing in rural places
Warburton, J., & Hodgkin, S.

Warburton, J., & Hodgkin, S. (2020). Facilitating intergenerational dialogue: Ageing in rural places. In J. Maidment (Ed.), Social Work in Rural Australia (pp. 191-203). Routledge.

Combating climate change in an era of longevity
Wang, C., Miller, J. G., Jackson, R. B., Carstensen, L. L.

Wang, C., Miller, J. G., Jackson, R. B., Carstensen, L. L. (2022). Combating climate change in an era of longevity. Generations, 46(2), 1–10.

The vulnerability of the elderly to hurrican hazards in Sarasota, Florida
Wang, C., & Yarnal, B.

Wang, C., & Yarnal, B. (2012). The vulnerability of the elderly to hurrican hazards in Sarasota, Florida. Natural Hazards, 63, 349–373.

Heat health prevention measures and adaptation in older populations – A systematic review
Vu, A., Rutherford, S., & Phung, D.

Vu, A., Rutherford, S., & Phung, D. (2019). Heat health prevention measures and adaptation in older populations – A systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(22), 4370.

Effects of diurnal variations in temperatures on non-accidental mortality among the elderly population of Montreal, Quebec, 1984–2007
Vutcovici, M., Goldberg, M. S., & Valois, M. F.

Vutcovici, M., Goldberg, M. S., & Valois, M. F. (2014) Effects of diurnal variations in temperatures on non-accidental mortality among the elderly population of Montreal, Quebec, 1984-2007. International Journal of Biometeorology, 58, 843–852.

Climate change: Leveraging legacy
Vandenbergh, M. P., & Raimi, K. T.

Vandenbergh, M. P., & Raimi, K. T. (2015). Climate change: Leveraging legacy. Ecology Law Quarterly, 42(1), 139–170.

Prevention of adverse heat effects on elderly – A qualitative study among GPs in Germany
Vandenbergh, A., & Sauerborn, R.

Vandenbergh, A. & Sauerborn, R. (2015). Prevention of adverse heat effects on elderly – A qualitative study among GPs in Germany. European Journal of Public Health, 25(3).

Sex differences in mortality after heat waves: Are elderly women at higher risk?
van Steen, Y., Ntarladima, A. M., Grobbee, R., Karssenber, D., & Vaartjes, I.

van Steen, Y., Ntarladima, A. M., Grobbee, R., Karssenber, D., & Vaartjes, I. (2018). Sex differences in mortality after heat waves: Are elderly women at higher risk? International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 92, 37–48.

The intersection of aging and the environment: Introduction
Sykes, K., & Pillemer, K.

Sykes, K., & Pillemer, K. (2009). The intersection of aging and the environment: Introduction. Generations, 33(4), 6–9.

The effect of high indoor temperatures on self-perceived health of elderly persons
van Loenhout, J. A. F., le Grand, A., Duijm, F., Greven, F., Vink, N. M., Hoek, G., & Zuurbier, M.

van Loenhout, J. A. F., le Grand, A., Duijm, F., Greven, F., Vink, N. M., Hoek, G., & Zuurbier, M. (2016). The effect of high indoor temperatures on self-perceived health of elderly persons. Environmental Research, 146, 27–34.

Using the theory of planned behavior to identiy key beliefs underlying heat adaptation behaviors in elderly populations
Valois, P., Talbot, D., Bouchard, D., Renaud, J. S., Caron, M., Canuel, M., & Arrambourg, N.

Valois, P., Talbot, D., Bouchard, D., Renaud, J. S., Caron, M., Canuel, M., & Arrambourg, N. (2020). Using the theory of planned behavior to identify key beliefs underlying heat adaptation behaviors in elderly populations. Population and Environment, 41, 480–506.

OK Boomer: A decade of generational differences in feelings about climate change
Swim, J. K., Aviste, R., Lengieza, M. L., & Fasano, C. J.

Swim, J. K., Aviste, R., Lengieza, M. L., & Fasano, C. J. (2022). OK Boomer: A decade of generational differences in feelings about climate change. Global Environmental Change, 73, 102479.

Generativity and self-enhancement values in eco-friendly behavioral intentions and environmentally responsible consumption behavior.
Urien, B., & Kilbourne, W.

Urien, B., & Kilbourne, W. (2010). Generativity and self-enhancement values in eco-friendly behavioral intentions and environmentally responsible consumption behavior. Psychology & Marketing, 28(1), 69–90.

The role of gratitude in motivating intergenerational environmental stewardship
Syropoulos, S., Watkins, H. M., Shariff, A. F., Hodges, S. D., & Markowitz, E. M.

Syropoulos, S., Watkins, H. M., Shariff, A. F., Hodges, S. D., & Markowitz, E. M. (2020). The role of gratitude in motivating intergenerational environmental stewardship. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 72, 101517.

Generations going green: Intergenerational programs connecting young and old to improve our environment
Steinig, S., & Butts, D.

Steinig, S., & Butts, D. (2009). Generations going green: Intergenerational programs connecting young and old to improve our environment. Generations, 33(4), 64–69.

When reliance on religion falters: Religious coping and post-traumatic stress symptoms in older adults after multiple disasters
Stanko, K. E., Cherry, K. E., Marks, L. D., Sampson, L., Ryker, K. S., Barrios, B., Anderson, R., Sanchez, S., & Allen, K.

Stanko, K. E., Cherry, K. E., Marks, L. D., Sampson, L., Ryker, K. S., Barrios, B., Anderson, R., Sanchez, S., & Allen, K. (2015). When reliance on religion falters: Religious coping and post-traumatic stress symptoms in older adults after multiple disasters. Journal of Religion, Spirtuality & Aging, 30(4), 292–313.

Do older adults experience greater thermal strain during heat waves?
Stapleton, J. M., Larose, J., Simpson, C., Flouris, A. D., Sigal, R. J., & Kenny, G. P.

Stapleton, J. M., Larose, J., Simpson, C., Flouris, A. D., Sigal, R. J., & Kenny, G. P. (2013). Do older adults experience greater thermal strain during heat waves? Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 39(3), 292–298.

Climate change and air quality: The potential impact on health
Spicket, J. T., Brown, H. L., & Rumchev, K.

Spicket, J. T., Brown, H. L., & Rumchev, K. (2011). Climate change and air quality: The potential impact on health. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 23(2).

Do generations differ when it comes to green values and products?
Squires, S.

Squires, S. (2019). Do generations differ when it comes to green values and products? Electronic Green Journal, 1(42).

Indigenous knowledge and social work in the context of climate change and older persons in rural areas
Shokane, A. L.

Shokane, A. L. (2016). Indigenous knowledge and social work in the context of climate change and older persons in rural areas. Indilinga African Journal of Indegenous Knowledge Systems, 15(2), 105–122.

Greening gray: Climate action for an aging world
Smyer, M. A.

Smyer, M. A. (2017). Greening gray: Climate action for an aging world. Public Policy & Aging Report, 27(1), 4–7.

Volunteering for a better future: A pilot Sustainability Ambassadors Training Program
Solly, K., Smyer, M. A., Nichols, K., Steffens, N. K., Kastelle, T. H., & Pachana, N. A.

Solly, K., Smyer, M. A., Nichols, K., Steffens, N. K., Kastelle, T. H., & Pachana, N. A. (2022). Volunteering for a better future: A pilot Sustainability Ambassadors Training Program. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 41(2), e206–e209.

Flood hazard mapping and flood preparedness literacy of the elderly population residing in Bangkok, Thailand
Sawangnate, C., Chaisri, B., & Kittipongvises, S.

Sawangnate, C., Chaisri, B., & Kittipongvises, S. (2022). Flood hazard mapping and flood preparedness literacy of the elderly population residing in Bangkok, Thailand. Flood Risk Management and Resilience, 14(8), 1268.

The climate crisis: What's aging got to do with it?
Smyer, M.

Smyer, M. (2022). The climate crisis: What's aging got to do with it? Generations, 46(2), 1–8.

Climate change and vulnerability of the Arctic elderly: An assessment from human rights point of view
Shahnaj, B.

Shahnaj, B. (2012). Climate change and vulnerability of the Arctic elderly: An assessment from human rights point of view. CES Working Papers, 4(3a), 459–479 [Working Paper].

Generativity, sustainable development and green consumer behaviour
Shiel, C., Paço, A., & Alves, H.

Shiel, C., Paço, A., & Alves, H. (2020). Generativity, sustainable development and green consumer behaviour. Journal of Cleaner Production, 245, 118865.

Climate change, vulnerability, and older people
Schwela, D.

Schwela, D. (2021). Climate change, vulnerability, and older people. In D. Gu, & M. E. Dupre, (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging (pp. 1022–1028). Springer, Cham.

Changes in the effects of heat on mortality among the elderly from 1998-2010: Results from a multicenter time series study in Italy
Schifano, P., Leone, M., De Sario, M., de'Donato, F., Bargagli, A. M., D'Ippoliti, D., Marino, C., & Michelozzi, P.

Schifano, P., Leone, M., De Sario, M., de'Donato, F., Bargagli, A. M., D'Ippoliti, D., Marino, C., & Michelozzi, P. (2012). Changes in the effects of heat on mortality among the elderly from 1998-2010: Results from a multicenter time series study in Italy. Environmental Health, 11(58).

Listening to older adults’ perspectives on climate change: Focus group study
Salma, J., Ali, S. A., Tilstra, M. H., Tiwari, I., Nielsen, C. C., Whitfield, K., Jones, A., Vargas, A.O., Bulut, O, & Yamamoto, S. S.

Salma, J., Ali, S. A., Tilstra, M. H., Tiwari, I., Nielsen, C. C., Whitfield, K., Jones, A., Vargas, A.O., Bulut, O, & Yamamoto, S. S. (2022). Listening to older adults’ perspectives on climate change: Focus group study. International Health Trends and Perspectives, 2(3), 1–15.

Healthy ageing and health equity: Broader determinants of health with a spotlight on climate change
Sadana, R., Budhwani, S., Blas, E., Posarac, A., Koller, T., & Paraje, G.

Sadana, R., Budhwani, S., Blas, E., Posarac, A., Koller, T., & Paraje, G. (2019). Healthy ageing and health equity: Broader determinants of health with a spotlight on climate change. In J.P. Michel, (Ed.), Prevention of Chronic Diseases and Age-Related Disability. Practical Issues in Geriatrics. Springer, Cham.

Climate change and intergenerational well-being
Sachs, J. D.

Sachs, J. D. (2014). Climate change and intergenerational well-being. In L. Bernard, & W. Semmler (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Macroeconomics of Global Warming (pp. 248–259). Oxford University.

Intergenerational relations in the climate movement: Bridging the gap toward a common goal
Roy, S., & Ayalon, L.

Roy, S., & Ayalon, L. (2023). Intergenerational relations in the climate movement: Bridging the gap toward a common goal. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(1), 233.

Water management and healthy ageing in rural Australia: Economic, social, and cultural considerations
Rogers, M., Winterton, R., Warburton, J., & O'Keefe, S.

Rogers, M., Winterton, R., Warburton, J., & O'Keefe, S. (2013). Water management and healthy ageing in rural Australia: Economic, social, and cultural considerations. Environment and Behavior, 47(5), 551–569.

Polarization of climate change beliefs: The role of the millennial generation identity
Ross, A. D., Rouse, S. M., & Mobley, W.

Ross, A. D., Rouse, S. M., & Mobley, W. (2019). Polarization of climate change beliefs: The role of the millennial generation identity. Social Science Quarterly, 100(7), 2625–2640.

Heat wave and elder mortality: Historical analysis and future projection for metropolitan region of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Rodrigues Diniz, F., Teixeira Goncalves, F. L., & Sheridan, S.

Rodrigues Diniz, F., Teixeira Goncalves, F. L., & Sheridan, S. (2020). Heat wave and elder mortality: Historical analysis and future projection for metropolitan region of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Atmosphere, 11(9), 933.

Designing for comfort at high temperatures
Roak, S., Fergus, N., & Rijal, H.

Roak, S., Fergus, N., & Rijal, H. (2015). Designing for comfort at high temperatures. Architectural Science Review, 58.

Older rural women living with drought
Rich, J. L., Wright, S. L., & Loxton, D.

Rich, J. L., Wright, S. L., & Loxton, D. (2018). Older rural women living with drought. International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, 23(12), 1141–1155.

Environmental sustainability in an aging society: A research agenda
Pillemer, K., Wells, N. M., Wagenet, L. P., Meador, R. H., & Parise, J. T.

Pillemer, K., Wells, N. M., Wagenet, L. P., Meador, R. H., & Parise, J. T. (2011). Environmental sustainability in an aging society: A research agenda. Journal of Aging and Health, 23(3), 433–453.

Developing an in-depth understanding of elderly adult’s vulnerability to climate change
Rhoades, J. L., Gruber, J. S., & Horton, B.

Rhoades, J. L., Gruber, J. S., & Horton, B. (2018). Developing an in-depth understanding of elderly adult’s vulnerability to climate change. The Gerontologist, 58(3), 567–577.

Climate change when you are getting on in life
Quinn, T., & Adger, W. N.

Quinn, T., & Adger, W. N. (2011). Climate change when you are getting on in life. Environment and Planning, 43, 2257–2260.

Impact of natural disasters on health outcomes and cancer among older adults
Prohaska, T. R., & Peters, K. E.

Prohaska, T. R., & Peters, K. E. (2019). Impact of natural disasters on health outcomes and cancer among older adults. The Gerontologist, 59(Suppl 1), S50–S56.

Intergenerational climate change burden sharing: An economics of climate stability research agenda proposal
Puaschunder, J. M.

Puaschunder, J. M. (2016). Intergenerational climate change burden sharing: An economics of climate stability research agenda proposal. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: Economics and Commerce, 16(3), 31–38.

Engaging older adults in environmental volunteerism: The Retirees In Service to the Environment Program
Pillemer, K., Wells, N. M., Meador, R. H., Schultz, L., Henderson, C. R., & Tillema Cope, M.

Pillemer, K., Wells, N. M., Meador, R. H., Schultz, L., Henderson, C. R. & Tillema Cope, M. (2017). Engaging older adults in environmental volunteerism: The Retirees In Service to the Environment Program. The Gerontologist, 57(2), 367–375.

Environmental volunteering in later life: Benefits and barriers
Pillemer, K., Wagenet, L., Goldman, D., Bushway, L., & Meador, R.

Pillemer, K., Wagenet, L., Goldman, D., Bushway, L., & Meador, R. (2009). Environmental volunteering in later life: Benefits and barriers. Generations, 33(4), 58–63.

Promoting climate change activism among older people
Pillemer, K. A., Nolte, J., & Tillema Cope, M.

Pillemer, K. A., Nolte, J., & Tillema Cope, M. (2022). Promoting climate change activism among older people. Generations, 46(2), 1–16.

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