Save the Date: Webinar on Climate and Health

ACCC Staff
April 3, 2023
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The National Institute on Aging is hosting a series of webinars this spring and summer that will explore the science surrounding the health impacts of climate change and discuss interventions that can help prevent harms related to climate change, with a particular focus on the well-being and health of older adults.

Each month, speakers from the U.S. and abroad will discuss case studies in climate and health interventions, including how to implement interventions, systems-based approaches to climate and health, and ideas about environmental and climate justice.

The first webinar will take place from 1 to 2 p.m. eastern standard time on Monday, March 25. 

Dr. Arnad Ghosh, an assistant professor of medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College, will introduce the series and provide an overview of the National Institute of Health’s Climate Change and Health Strategic Framework.

Then Kevin Cromar, a program director at the Marron Institute of Urban Management and a clinical associate professor of environmental medicine and population health at New York University Grossman School of Medicine, will present a case study of a climate- and health-focused intervention.

You can register for Monday’s webinar by clicking here. Health researchers, medical professionals, climate change experts, and the general public are all invited to participate.

After Monday, there will be five additional webinars:

April 23: Opportunities for climate and health research through the use of implementation science approaches: frameworks, measures, examples

May 13: Team Science in Climate and Health

June 24: Environmental Justice, Climate Justice, and its Integration and Application into Interventions

July 16: Creating enduring change: climate change, health, and policy: a systems level perspective for older aged populations

August 13: Learning from Examples: Trials and Tribulations

You can find information about the entire series on the National Institute for Aging’s web site.